What Kind of Scales Are Commonly Used in Hospitals?

Views: 137     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-21      Origin: Site


Whether it is to obtain the patient's various physical indicators or make measurements on transplanted organs, high-precision electronic scales are indispensable instruments. In daily situations, just clean the scale reasonably. However, as the new crown epidemic is raging, hospitals are the most dangerous places. It is very important to handle electronic weighing machine thoroughly and standardizedly. The following are some of the most commonly used scales in hospitals.



1. Mortuary Scales

Medical equipment items are the things that need to be weighed most often in hospitals. Professional medical staff usually use high-precision electronic weighing scales for accurate measurements. At the same time, hospitals often need to perform organ transplant operations, so the weight of the organs also needs to be very accurate. Dealing with organic matter requires regular cleaning of these digital body weight scale to prevent the spread of diseases including MRSA. Therefore, many functional stainless steel weighing platform scales are easier to clean and maintain than other materials.

 stainless steel weighing platform scales


2. Bed Weighing Scales

These most accurate digital scale are designed to be used with patients who are unable to be removed from their bed due to their current state of health. To avoid excess disruption to the bed-bound patient and to protect the person using these best scales for accurate weight, an accompanying jack is often included to help in elevating one side of the frame for easy installation of the modules.



3. Flat Scales

The best home weight scale are ideal for more general uses. These simple and portable digital scales provide a convenient, cost effective and portable solution for general weighing procedures in medical applications and can be placed in tightly packed rooms as well as being stored with a very small foot print. In addition, mobile health units can benefit greatly from the relatively low mass and in-built display screen which allows quick and accurate measurements to be taken on one single machine without the need for additional attachments or accessories.



4. Baby Scales

The weight of a newborn baby is an important indicator to measure whether it has certain hidden health risks. Most hospitals will use standard baby weight machines for this task. Baby scales can help the maternity ward to ensure the safety of mothers and children. These models include buttons integrated in the display itself, reducing the chance of dust and bacteria spreading or clogging in the equipment. Baby scales can help the maternity ward to ensure the safety of mothers and children. These models include buttons integrated in the display itself, reducing the chance of dust and bacteria spreading or clogging in the device.

 baby weight machines

The scales used in the medical industry are far more than these types. For such an important scene, high precision is the first condition for them to choose a scale. At the same time, medical weighing equipment not only needs to be accurate, but also needs to provide continuous care. They also need to be easy to clean, especially at such times.

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